Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i have had a thousand moments in cars

i haven't discovered much in my life. Honestly, i haven't done much. I just don't seem to have the same drive as those other twenty four year olds with three books under their belt. I've been a little bit preoccupied with struggles of my own.

but there are moments when i acutely feel that my life is my own, when i am conscious of nothing more than the space in time i am inhabiting. perhaps that's a bit myopic, but i think my heart needs it. unfortunately, it seems that the closest we can ever come to these moments in time is passing glances. scenery from a train window, mountain ranges passing under an airplane's wing. such images and so forth metaphors.

the best reference point i have to this lies in the film, star trek: insurrection. in this st film, picard falls in love with the ba'ku woman, anji . . . even though it violates the prime directive, yadda yadda yadda. the important point lies in the fact that she teaches picard how to enjoy a single moment. it's around the one minute mark of this:

i put the whole thing down there since it's such an amazing movie and i'm sure that by watching the trailer you will be captivated and will rush out and watch it.

back to point, which is hard when it's competeing for attention with jean-luc picard. JEAN-LUC PICARD!!!!1!!!

but i feel this discovery is a valid treasure. i'm a creative writing poetry major for christ's sake, not only am i ridiculously sentimental, but i've set myself up for a life of not so much moneys . . . i've gotta take what i can get, and that's usually perfect moments with my roommate in her 91 Chevy Beretta with my hand out the window and something good on the radio.

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