12:02 PM me: when this lesson get to be geography
talking panhandles with a z
when what you say makes me want to z. z. zzzzz. zzzzzzz.
so go on git, go off and buzz
or else i'll be callin the fuzz
me: jiji wants to flow
and everyone needs to know
that jiji's rhyme come from the east
jinabkim: my rhymes are as slanted as my eyes
12:09 PM aubreylc: lolz
jinabkim: and as ecstatic as my thigh
aubreylc: but when you frontin' you just full of lies
jinabkim: look at these thighs of ecstasy
aubreylc: runnin home to mama whilst you cry cry cries
jinabkim: your gams can't even get next to me
aubreylc: alpharetta, you think ya betta?
12:10 PM me: ooooh good one
jinabkim: it's so cold out I need a sweata
you say you a knight but I think you just a pawn
me: alpharetta, imma call you out
sittin in the north with all your clout
why you steal atlanta's money
sucking up our sweet tax honey
you can't hear the children cry
wrapped in your castles
jinabkim: dang
I was in the middle of my cubsey diss
12:12 PM me: use shift+enter to cohere your diss
jinabkim: haha
I need to cohere my diss
12:13 PM aubreylc: (thanks jared,, i couldn' figure that out)
12:14 PM this contest is a piss
ya'll should take ur seats and hold onto your meats
12:15 PM jinabkim: Krystal knight? More like pawn of cubic zirconia
You think you authentic but you so phony, yeah
Your quartz formation is a crime to the nation
And your rhyme scheme is a sorry situation
12:16 PM what you say, speak up quick
i think your mouth's
full of shaun's dick
your argument is starting to crumble
cause i can't understand penis mumble
jinabkim: hahahahaa
me: jujube, it's tag team time
let's see kub-z retort in rhyme
12:17 PM jinabkim: too busy with the crystals
to shoot us with his rhyming pistols
aubreylc: it be so busy,
ya'll got be in a tissy
12:18 PM i wanna fight fire wit fire, but ya'll gunna git me fired
(i know lame rhyme)
(but i am secretly hatin' yall)
and will return, for ur turn
jinabkim: hahahaaa
me: hahahahaha
12:19 PM is it monsoon season
and i ask for one reason
cause kub=z be burried
like manilla in a mudslide
jinabkim: haha
I'll be the hip-hop nazi what say for a game of yahtzee
12:22 PM we'll invite fonzie and potsie
12:23 PM me: yahtzee?
that game is shit
make it parcheesi
and make it quick
jinabkim: what about a game of the apple variety
12:24 PM we all love it so, and don't lie to me
but we must be drunk, no sobriety
me: hahahahaha
jinabkim: and rahul will make pia sob quietly
12:25 PM me: that bitch suffers chronically
cause she offends us all karmicly
12:26 PM aubreylc: OH HELL NOZ!
ya'll be a tag team of hoz,
dogz, betta back the fuck up,
gunna yank yur choke chain/cokekain like yuz a pup,
lassie and jub jub,
think ya sassy but ya tub tub,
when i'm done ur gunna blub blub
callin leo for a rub rub
me: hahahahahah
jinabkim: getting krunk in the klub klub
me: gonna smash yer fugly mug mug
12:27 PM aubreylc: mockin me is cool, but you fuck wit my man and us a fool
while i'm choking on cock, you getin fucked on the block
jinabkim: ahahahaha
aubreylc: now ya'll can't talk
take a walk
yea, son a walk
12:28 PM me: your man be smeagol cause he gots a ring
and now you his private plaything
sitting the dank dark cave
might as well be a grave grave
hope ya like raw fish
wanna hear you say delish
12:29 PM jinabkim: what he gon' do? serve me up with some hashbrowns?
i'll fry it over easy and make him look like an ass clown
because son, I got talkin' trash down
aubreylc: u think this gunna make me cry?
u think this gunna make me die?
12:30 PM jinabkim: serve me some free french fries
to compensate for all your lies
is this what it sounds like when krystal kries?
me: no fool, you need a heart to die
and i never expect tears from your eye
you've got aluminum under that skin
it's what holds your circuts in
12:31 PM jinabkim: someone diss me for chrissakes
12:32 PM me:
your name a snack
and i wonder whether you can
weather this attack
cause i'mma sneak up on your back
ninja style
wait for a while
then diss yo style
cause what you got you stole from me
a tee hee
a tee hee hee
12:37 PM jinabkim: you a dirty-clean hybrid?
more like a poseur and a spy kid
your mata hari act brings tears to my eyelid
12:38 PM me: hahahahaha
jinabkim: they be made of pizza so listen and I'll teacha
12:39 PM if you diss me I'll find yo' ass and I'll beat ya
12:41 PM me: beat me with your tiny fists?
don't struggle or i'll break yo writs
you just mad cause you've got no tryst
so next time we're out
allow my assist.
you best not attack a wingman
or else you'll find a secret slam
the next time you play yo game
12:42 PM your stature small and features fine
but you best not draw any lines
and dare me cross
cause then you're lost
cause i come from the scottish highlands
and my stocky body is made for slams
12:43 PM body, verbal, i multi talented
jinabkim: you be talkin' just like yoda
signifying your paltry flow-da
now sit down while I grab a soda
me: girl, drink that aspatame
cause you know your flow is lame
it's not spinach
and you're not popeye
so why don't you hurry up and finish
12:48 PM jinabkim: Kub-z is typing
it's time to start griping
12:49 PM me: his words'll be welcome
cause my ass needs wipin
12:50 PM aubreylc: while ya'll chillz,
i be makin mad billz,
your hair is wack and u dress like a geek,
my shoes cost more than u make in 2 weekz
just sold some ear bling for 22k,
u sitin at home watchin rachel ray
12:51 PM i'm a holla to the bank cuz it'z ma payday, tonight i'm gunna fuck ma man with a solid gold dildo cuz we gay gay gay.
12:54 PM me: ahahahahahahaha
sooo goood
12:55 PM jinabkim: you gotta use a dildo cuz your dick don't satisfy
maybe your man needs a warm latticed pie
and if you don't get the metaphor than you're a foolish whore
12:56 PM and your brain looks like a genital sore
aubreylc: i gotz to go to star provision,
so ya bitches betta listen
i killz u till u dies,
gunna has hamburgerz n friez
12:57 PM me: hahahahaha
12:58 PM aubreylc: gus gus aint the only one who in da doghouse,
u step in ma house u best be quiet as a mouse
12:59 PM what was once intended was a pun,
go on git muzzle mutt i gotz a shotgun
1:00 PM me: i don't even have the energy to retort
jinabkim: me neither