At this point, I'm not really sure what to think. I'm a huge fan of simulation/rpgs, don't get me wrong, because in middle school i definitely use to wake up early so I could play my hacked copy of Pincess Maker 2 before going to school. However, the idea of more Harvest Moons just seems to be beating a dead horse, which in the Wii release, your horses can die from neglect causing the townspeople's opinion of you to drop. While that does seem pretty amazing, I'm not sure I can see myself spending whatever the price tag ends up being on August 26th for the chance to hoe, plant, and water with whatever Wii remote action they decide corresponds to that.
I sat at work for the next thirty minutes, engaged in a debate, struggling in the pursuit of a for or against attitude to the new releases. What follows is the debate between my Harvest Moon shoulder devil and angel:
Devil (Against): This game is a perfect example of how out of control our consumer culture is! Do we really need to spend another thirty, forty bucks so we can farm one more time?!
Angel (For): Shut up, you're boring - besides, with the Wii Remote, you can actually do the work!
Devil: So it should actually be called Harvest Moon: Tree of Unpaid Manual Labor?
Angel: There's an ostrich!

Devil: Unless it shoots lazers out of its eyes, then it's just a horse with feathers.
Angel: But you run a farm, and build a family, make money and buy things.
Devil: Uhh, too close to real life - I need escape, and explosions!
Angel: You like it when you make money and buy things in World of Warcraft
Angel: But it's an explosion of cuteness!
Devil: Eh, I’ve got this
Angel: Sabrina's pretty cute.

Devil: Eh, she's the poor man's Maria Besides, WTF is she talking about??!!? Um, no, Sabrina, I have no idea what you mean. I'm leaving you here on this beach.
Angel: Whatever, like you don’t still secretly play it.
Devil: So?
Angel: Mmhmm.
Devil: I can’t help myself!
Angel: That’s what I thought.
So maybe the debate didn’t quite take thirty minutes or maybe I had to do work in between points of the debate or maybe, just maybe, I'm actually sitting here, daydreaming about myself in front of my TV, wildly swinging my arms, watering my crops and saving up for that ostrich . . . I can always just imagine the Lazer Eyes.